【欧美音乐】乡村歌手威利-纳尔逊(Willie Nelson)
luyued 发布于 2011-04-22 10:23 浏览 N 次威利.纳尔逊的录歌和写歌生涯长达40年。他写了一些乡村歌曲经典之作,如《疯狂》(crazy)和《夜生活》(night life);录制了走红的专辑,如《红头发的陌生人》、《招聘——叛逆者》(wanted;the outlaws),81次进入乡村音乐榜。所有这一切使他成为美国音乐偶像和乡村音乐的传奇人物。 威利.赫尤.纳尔逊(willie hugh nelson)于1933年4月30日生于得克萨斯州的福特沃斯(fort worth),在该州的阿伯特(abbott)长大。他6个月时母亲出走,他是由祖父母带大的。祖父母学过音乐,并把一些唱片传给纳尔逊和他的妹妹鲍比(bobbie)。纳尔逊6岁时,祖父母给他买了一把吉他,19岁时参加了第一支乐队,13岁时就有了自己的乐队。 他在福特沃斯的臭名昭著的杰克斯保瑞公路(jacksboro highway)旁的低级娱乐场所演唱了一阵子后,到奥里根(oregon)当了短期的电台音乐节目主持人。1956年他在西北部出资录制唱片,歌名为《没有我的栖身之地》(no place for me)。 在20世纪50年代后期,他迁到荷斯顿(houston),写歌技巧得到提高。他写的第一批歌中有一首《家庭圣经》(family bible),他把版权卖出为了买点日用杂货。纳尔逊说:“我把版权卖给了名歌手,总共得了50多美元。”后来他又把《夜生活》卖了,得到150美元。他回忆说:“我用这笔钱买了一部旧汽车到了纳什维尔(nashville),最终我又把这支歌的版权赎回来了。” 在纳什维尔他作为作曲家而出了名。1962年帕特兹.克琳(patsy cline)唱了《疯狂》名列排行榜第2,而1961年法伦.杨(faron young)唱了《你好,瓦尔斯》(hello walls)荣登榜首。纳尔逊1961没的作品《时间溜走得好怪》(funny how time slips away)被反复录制80多次。 1962年纳尔逊与自由唱片公司(liberty records)签约,很快获得了两首上榜前10名的歌《愿意》(willingly)和《碰碰我》(touch me)。此后一直未进入前10名,直到1975年以《蓝眼睛在雨中哭泣》荣登榜首。这支歌出自专辑《红头发的陌生人》。1976年他的专辑《招聘——叛逆者》销售100万张。 20世纪70年代后期和80年代纳尔逊继续推出走红专辑,有《我心上的乔治亚》(georgia on my mind),《又上路》还有或许是80年代最走红的专辑《永远在我心上》。在此期间,他与许多著名歌手合作,录制了二重唱。 和他的录音生涯一样,纳尔逊写歌也获得成功,人们能从他的歌里最好地认识他。他说:“我写的歌中百分之九十来自于我个人的经历。如果有人想了解我,我歌中都写到了。”他总共写了九百九十支歌。 20世纪90年代新一代的歌手出现了,纳尔逊和许多他同时代的歌手们一样,要想再录制走红的唱片就困难了。他很冷静地看待这种变化,“一个人不可能永远走红,我走过红,加斯.布鲁克斯(garth brooks)和乔治.斯崔特(george strait)也都走过红,但谁有没有一直走红。我想也没有人想永远走红,这样压力太大了。我的唱片卖出去了,那很好,我的唱片卖不出去了,也很好。事情应该怎样就是怎样。” 最流行专辑 《红头发的陌生人》(red headed stranger)(1975年) 《宇宙微粒》(stardust)(1978年) 《又上路》(on the road again)(1980年) 《永远在我心上》(1982年) 《给我从前爱过的所有女孩们》(to all the girls i’ve loved before)(1984年) 《生活在天国》(living in the promiseland)(1986年) 《我现在毫无办法》(nothing i can do about it now) 其余进入最流行40首乡村歌曲榜的歌曲:74首
Though Willie Nelson's thematic albums in recent years have been hit-and-miss, this labor of love is a thorough delight. One Texas legend pays tribute to another and evokes the inspiration of a third, as Nelson puts his stylistic signature on the songbook of Cindy Walker, with arrangements channeling the spirit of Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys (whose most familiar songs include many of Walker's). Nelson's conversational phrasing refreshes the familiar title track and brings out the soulful depths of heartfelt (and heartsick) balladry such as "Not That I Care." The nimble band features the interplay of Playboys alum Johnny Gimble on fiddle and the legendary Buddy Emmons on steel guitar, under the production of Nashville veteran Fred Foster. Saloon songs such as "Bubbles in My Beer" and "The Warm Red Wine" meet the mythic West of "Cherokee Maiden" and "Dusty Skies" and the weathered resilience of "Don't Be Ashamed of Your Age" and "I Don't Care," as the collection pays testament not only to Walker's range, but to Nelson's interpretive mastery. Product Description Produced by Fred Foster, the man behind such stars as Roy Orbison, Dolly Parton, &Kris Kristofferson, You Don't Know Me: The Songs of Cindy Walker is truly a return to form for Willie. The band performing on the record is made up of several of Nashville's premier session players, who successfully capture the spirit and sound of classic country music. All songs were written by Country Music Hall of Fame inductee (1997), Cindy Walker. At 87, she has a long list of writing credits to her name, which include: "Dusty Skies" recorded by Spade Cooley, Bob Wills, &The Sons of the Pioneers, "Cherokee Maiden" recorded by Bob Wills, Merle Haggard, &Mel Tillis, "Warm Red Wine" recorded by Ernest Tubb and George Jones, "You Don't Know Me" recorded by Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, Jimmy Dean, Henry Mancini, &many more The single, "You Don't Know Me" was made most famous by Willie's close friend Ray Charles on The Modern Sounds of Country and Western Music. "I loved her music," Nelson says of Walker's catalog of playful saloon songs and heartfelt ballads. "Even before we met I felt like I knew her from listening to Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys do her songs. Every night of the week as a teenager I was playing things like "Miss Molly" and "I Was Just Walking Out The Door" somewhere.
CD1:You Don't Know Me:Songs of Cindy Walker
1、 Bubbles In My Beer
2、 Not That I Care
3、 Take Me In Your Arms
4、 Don’t Be Ashamed Of Your Age
5、 You Don’t Know Me
6、 Sugar Moon
7、 I Don’t Care
8、 Cherokee Maiden
9、 The Warm Red Wine
10、 Miss Molly
11、 Dusty Skies
12、 It’s All Your Fault
13、 Just Walkin’ Out The Door
CD2:It Always Will Be[128Kbps]
1、 It Always Will Be
2、 Picture in a Frame
3、 The Way You See Me
4、 Be That As It May
5、 You Were It
6、 Big Booty
7、 I Didn't Come Here
8、 My Broken Heart Belongs to You
9、 Dreams Come True
10、 Overtime
11、 Tired
12、 Love's the One and Only Thing
13、 Texas
14、 Midnight Rider
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